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About Me & Blog

I am a native born Floridian, enthusiastic about my natural surroundings especially the birds within them.

I intend to use this blog as a means of expression with regards to my self interest and a platform bringing awareness to: special environmental occurrences, bird watching, historical references, flora and fauna of recent travels, and anything else relative to my life.

A little more about me. I was born and raised in Vero Beach, FL. I became enthusiastic about birds during summer months spent in the Appalachian mountains of NC with my dad who is also passionate about avian life. Their presence was everywhere at my aunt's summer home with nests of swallows along the embankment, wrens flitting around gathering materials for their own crafty abodes. We had Ruby-throated Hummingbirds at the feeders overlooking the kitchen window.

A moment I'll never forget, the day I walked by a Carolina Wren's nest. I turned coming face to face with the mother bird. She cocked her head to the side as I instinctively ducked I felt the wind off her wings above my head. You could say that was my "spark birds" so to speak, though, not my favorite bird. Choosing a favorite is a challenge I am still unwilling to put a pin in as there is so much avian life I have not witnessed.

Returning to Florida after summer vacation kept me alert of the changing landscape brought to my home state by developing progress. I have watched the tree clustered roadsides teeming with animal life and blooming greenery mowed down for the sake of exacerbated progress. I think it important to highlight the remaining portions and hang on tight to what matters. A line from my favorite movie to end, if you can guess it kudos,  "Why, land is the only thing in the world worth workin' for, worth fightin' for, worth dyin' for, because it's the only thing that lasts." A multitude of interpretations, I leave you to make your own conclusions.


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